Youth Theatre

Arcola Youth Theatre

Arcola Youth Theatre is open to 13-16 year olds who live in and around Hackney.

Arcola Youth Theatre begins in September and this term we will explore the different aspects of theatre making. We will spend time playing games, working together as a team, exploring set design, lighting, sound, script writing, directing and performance skills. From these learnt skills the groups will create a e performance together. The group then undertake a rehearsal process that culminates in the staging of these plays for friends and family in the Spring term.

Sessions take place weekly on the following evenings:

  • Wednesdays, 6pm-7.30pm
  • Thursday 6pm-7.30pm

Sessions cost £120 per term and £60 per half term.

Full and part bursaries, as well as concessions are available. Please contact for further details.

Sign up to Arcola Youth Theatre here.


Young AYT

Young AYT is a theatre programme for 9-12 year olds who live in and around Hackney. 

Young Arcola Youth Theatre begin in September and this term we will explore the different aspects of theatre making. We will spend time playing games, working together as a team, exploring set design, lighting, sound, script writing, directing and performance skills. From these learnt skills the groups will create a performance in the Spring term. The group then undertake a rehearsal process that culminates in the staging of these plays for friends and family in the Spring term.

Sessions take place

  • Fridays, 6-7.30pm 

Sessions cost £120 per term and £60 per half term.

Full and part bursaries, as well as concessions are available. Please contact for further details.

Please email to join our waiting list.